Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Biography: The 6th President of the Philippines

    Elpidio Rivera y Quirino was born on November 16, 1890, in a provincial jail in the small city of Vigan, Philippines. He was the third among his 7 siblings and their parents as Don Mariano Quirino and Dona Gregoria Mendoza Rivera Quirino. Young Elpidio went to Elementary school near Caoayan, and there, he graduated from Grade school. Meanwhile, in his high school years, Elpidio went to Vigan High School and also goes as a "barrio" or rural village teacher, as he's advanced beyond his years. Not for a while, he moved to Manila to graduate High School in 1911 while passing the civil service exam.

    Quirino entered law school and began to battle for the Philippine Government from then on. He served Senate President Manuel Quezon, was elected to the Philippine House of Representatives, and then elected again to the Philippine Senate, quickly given committee appointments, all of those for 10 years starting in 1915.

    Impressed as you are but in 1934, Elpidio became a member of the Philippine Independence mission to Washington, D.C., securing the Tydings-McDuffie Act. One year later, his draft for the Philippine constitution was approved in May.

    Now, Quirino at his time we're the years of WWII. In April of the year 1942, the Philippines was taken by Japanese imperial forces, by this, Quirino was given an option but disregarded the Japanese-sponsored "puppet government" of Jose Laurel. He was imprisoned, while his wife, Alicia Syquia, and 3 out of his five children were killed by the Japanese forces while going home during the Battle of Manila. There, he said (and also was my personal favorite Quirino's quote) "We are the trustees of the Filipino people and of their welfare and happiness". By this, he became known for his forgiving attitude despite the brutal loss of his family members.

    When the war ended, Quirino became a leader of the Liberal Party and pro tempore. Election came in 1946 of April, wherein Manuel Roxas was elected as president, and him as VP. Yet, Roxas died unexpectedly in 1948, so Elpidio needed to take charge of the Presidency title.

    November 1949, Elpidio was reelected as the president of the Philippine Republic tempting improvement in conditions. Victoria, his oldest daughter, becomes the youngest hostess of Malacañang Palace, for his wife already died and no other could take the title of first lady.

    He devoted his life from then on, to social and economic increase and agrarian conditions. Furthermore, in his term, the relationship between Western and Asian countries grew stronger, under his administration, the country accepted around 6 thousand Russians from the Communist rule of China, saving the lives of many, for he continued to reach out to the victims and sufferers upon control of higher take and even other countries.

    He once ran again for the highest execution position but was defeated by Ramon Magsaysay. Years later, he died on February 29, 1956, as for the moment, his resting place was in Libingan ng mga Bayani.

    We continue to remember him by his infinite effect of distribution for our country. Upon the judgments of hundreds, gets millions of takebacks for he fosters a heart of independence and patriotism. Indeed, an Ilocano pride, a nation's treasure.



Redirect Noticewww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2F.source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved   =0CBQQjRxqFwoTCMi8_p6ahIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE.

thelordofthenerds.wordpress.com%2Ftag%2elpidioquirino. https://live.staticflickr.com/578/22750215610_c5be608a35_b.jpg

www.reddit.com%2Fr%2FPhilippines%2Fcomments%2Fsg5194%2Fdyk_president_elpidio_quirinos_wife_and_three. https://i.redd.it/kthq057ahse81.jpg

Elizabeth Ann Q. (Nobyembre 17, 2023). Commemorating the birthday of Philippine President Elpidio Quirino. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/commemorating-birthday-philippine-president-elpidio-quirino-quirino 


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