This will be another star that I will always look up, reflect, that is worthy to be remembered. A constellation for my symbol for Christmas.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Stars From A Million Years
This will be another star that I will always look up, reflect, that is worthy to be remembered. A constellation for my symbol for Christmas.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Crack An Egg
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.htm
I'll start with my abbreviation, a <title> called H.T.M.L. or Host for Tomorrow, and a Mile Longer.
Host. I am stand-alone as someone who's like a <br> or <hr>. I have learned fundamental bases and blueprints throughout my journey, and of looking forward. When Ma'am Evelyn taught us about coding and more amazing facts and discoveries within our technological and easy worlds, a complex state of idea and comprehension that I have gained was further analyzed and progressed. Every day, we had our daily .htm, and through each file we knew ways for further use.
Tomorrow, there is more to come. I have gone through a lot of hardships this quarter, wherein between the <body> there are instances that I am sloped like an <i> for I may not carry the burden, especially catching up with the lessons when I am always excused with my Journalism and Sports event. It wasn't easy meeting deadlines or running errands, but a passion to go for is what I was in.Mile. Each day, I gain and trust, as well as lose. By this, I <U>nderstand situations gaining profit from knowledge and specification through time management that I rarely got easy for. Furthermore, learning isn't always an easy task, it wasn't my forte to have this, I was told to be <b> (bold) in trusting my guts and capacity.
Longer. This isn't my end, but it will be my happy ending chapter. Moving on, this story is much deeper because it's not just the days unfolding but also the memories and learning gone. Let's go on with a slash (</body> </html>) not to end but to make another file later as I have more to tackle. Through this reflection, another chapter is done, and another is opened.
Friday, November 29, 2024
She was Born
My parents considered having a boy, yet here I am. Funny you would say, but when I knew why they thought of having a man better than a girl, it was because of the painful past of my mother from her first husband. The abusive relationship leading to the breakup of my mother's first lover led to knowing my father in whom I was born, to be her hated daughter.
Hear me out, she only hates it, not me but how I was born as me, who she knows I can go through the same path as hers. These pasts make up an expectation of the future, which propels us to have wisdom and hope for a world that is better than what it is today.
That girl in the story is standing through your mind, saying, "My stance is this: Who's a man without a woman?"
Situations such as a woman experiencing abuse, exploitation, discrimination, bullying, and other types of inhumanity, either emotionally, physically, mentally, and psychologically, are leading to Violence Against Women, which is a major flashback and social cause, within the country, and within the world. It affects millions and reports. What I'm worrying about is, how about the unreported ones, will they just be able to let it be?
The country’s heartbreak issue is still getting higher day by day with an estimated 18,000 reported victims over the past year. Awareness of this issue is a mission by being part of the constitution. The support system is for women's rights, women who require attention for a cause, their freedom.
Violence Against Women is a widespread social issue not only in the Philippines but globally, with an estimated 1 in 3 women. The 2022 National Demographic and Health Survey released by the Philippine Statistics Authority reveals that nearly 1 out of 5 women have experienced emotional, physical, or sexual violence by their current or most recent husband or intimate partner. As of 2023, the PNP received 8,055 cases reported under Republic Act No. 9262, otherwise known as the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004.
Many improvements have been made over the years; however, it is much yet to be achieved. The journey toward equality is long and quite challenging. According to the Global Gender Gap 2024 Insight Report by the World Economic Forum, there will still be a very long time before achieving total gender parity, at approximately 134 years. But hope is not lost because every Filipino has the power to help. The Philippines, being the most gender-equal country in Asia and ranking 25th out of 146 economies in this year's Global Gender Gap Index, has been working tirelessly to make gender equality a lived reality to become a VAW-free country.
This can be the answer to all questions for change. One factor of this law is that it can employ aspects and branches to which an assurance is promulgated. Protective to address the needs of society in collaboration with strategic partners. Resolutely magnify governance, wherein it is correlated to the 5th and 16th Sustainable Development Goals of SDG, the Peace, Justice, and Strong Constitution, and Gender Equality achieving a target for the empowerment of all women and girls.
Social media is a way to communicate and entertain, and if it goes further beyond the means, such as the Philippines struggles with the rise of women and child sexual abuse online. Moreover, victims of sexual violence and exploitation online choose not to report it, other children day they don't know what to do during these incidents. The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 is a VAWC law, that supports individuals, especially women, either online or in real life. Let's emphasize this, an increase in the number of online sexual abuse and exploitations in women are mostly inside their homes, sometimes, with family members and relatives as perpetrators.
Now, the RA 11313 (Safe Spaces Act) in 2019, or the Bawal Bastos Law in the Philippines is the act that operates for a safer community, either public or in private places. It operates as a combat for sexual harassment as well across domains, occupational, academic institutions, and social media platforms. It also addresses unethical actions like (physically or online) stalking, catcalling, sexual gestures, unwarranted advances, mechanisms, or any wonders or experiences that a woman may feel unsafe or advantaged for having no permission. Furthermore, it mandates preventative protocols within infrastructures and education processes; to foster a much more detailed and inclusive society that's harassment and discrimination-free environment.
These laws, and even more not mentioned, are the foundation of women's preparation.
We don't need to overthink, but I want you to wonder, what are we fighting for, again? Don't let this violence work.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Culturally Driven, Indigenous Sea to Dive-in
Indigenous people are our ancestral beginning that needs to be protected. They were the focal attendees of preserved pure Filipino culture. Yet, they are underestimated in circumstances of fading and peek to trending relevance.
This year, in 2024, we get to have our 27th year of Indigenous Peoples' Rights, or IPRA, in October. This, also known as Republic Act no. 8371 states that they have all the authority rights to ancestral domains, cultural integrity, access within needs, and justice for empowerment and governance in any place. "Mga Katutubo at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan, at Parangalana" is today's theme, in which I propose that they are manipulated in distinct characteristics of welfare and selfishness, that should be given up as it is what it is supposed to be, fostering upon the birth and death of our own.
Let's take a look at these people, the country is home to more than 17 million Indigenous individuals and about 110 ethnolinguistic groups, to tell, these are the Igorot, Lumad, Mangyan, Aetas, etc. that revolves around the isolation from the country of freedom and justice.
Bringing back, we have our National Indigenous Peoples' Month, by this authority, we are given a chance to correct our instances in the minority of our relation, our own flesh and blood. Protecting the rights and culture of these people is beyond the means.
We have the stereotype that when we see them, as distinct and very different from us, mainly called "black" "ugly" and "poor", cruelty is mentioned to their names because of their differences, and this needs to be bothered for their beauty are concealed by threats and modernity.
The promotion of our yearly education and celebration will always set us up to remember where we came from. The rights of the Indigenous tribes aren't what should be taken advantage of. Our country respects that, and I hope it will be the same with discriminators. From the law's protection, we ensure that they are within the national affairs and decisions. The vision in initiatives and development as a choice home of reserved persons journeying towards union. Committing ourselves, steadfastly providing integral excellencies, the future we await is from the indigenous' contribution that needs recognition. The celebration brings back the opportunity to prepare, nurture, and give attention to the issues revolving around our boundaries.
For our Filipino Indegenous people, saludo ako sainyo. These communities continued to inspire the country where they belong in which the riches of gold and diamond are bypassed by the beauty of salvation. You're not the holding what was nor what's now, but what will be.
For personal tribute, here's my own made Campaign Infographics...
Calleja, Joseph Peter (Oct. 7,2020). Philippine bishops demand protection of indigenous people's rights. of-indigenous-peoples-rights-5f7d6e8b7e1a2_600.jpeg
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
A Biography: The 6th President of the Philippines
Quirino entered law school and began to battle for the Philippine Government from then on. He served Senate President Manuel Quezon, was elected to the Philippine House of Representatives, and then elected again to the Philippine Senate, quickly given committee appointments, all of those for 10 years starting in 1915.
Impressed as you are but in 1934, Elpidio became a member of the Philippine Independence mission to Washington, D.C., securing the Tydings-McDuffie Act. One year later, his draft for the Philippine constitution was approved in May.
Now, Quirino at his time we're the years of WWII. In April of the year 1942, the Philippines was taken by Japanese imperial forces, by this, Quirino was given an option but disregarded the Japanese-sponsored "puppet government" of Jose Laurel. He was imprisoned, while his wife, Alicia Syquia, and 3 out of his five children were killed by the Japanese forces while going home during the Battle of Manila. There, he said (and also was my personal favorite Quirino's quote) "We are the trustees of the Filipino people and of their welfare and happiness". By this, he became known for his forgiving attitude despite the brutal loss of his family members.
When the war ended, Quirino became a leader of the Liberal Party and pro tempore. Election came in 1946 of April, wherein Manuel Roxas was elected as president, and him as VP. Yet, Roxas died unexpectedly in 1948, so Elpidio needed to take charge of the Presidency title.
November 1949, Elpidio was reelected as the president of the Philippine Republic tempting improvement in conditions. Victoria, his oldest daughter, becomes the youngest hostess of Malacañang Palace, for his wife already died and no other could take the title of first lady.
He devoted his life from then on, to social and economic increase and agrarian conditions. Furthermore, in his term, the relationship between Western and Asian countries grew stronger, under his administration, the country accepted around 6 thousand Russians from the Communist rule of China, saving the lives of many, for he continued to reach out to the victims and sufferers upon control of higher take and even other countries.
He once ran again for the highest execution position but was defeated by Ramon Magsaysay. Years later, he died on February 29, 1956, as for the moment, his resting place was in Libingan ng mga Bayani.
We continue to remember him by his infinite effect of distribution for our country. Upon the judgments of hundreds, gets millions of takebacks for he fosters a heart of independence and patriotism. Indeed, an Ilocano pride, a nation's treasure.
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Elizabeth Ann Q. (Nobyembre 17, 2023). Commemorating the birthday of Philippine President Elpidio Quirino.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Bata, Gusto mo ng Kendi?
A child is just deprecating, or are we desperate enough to belittle the little? As hopeless as it is, they are no different from what they can experience from the cruelty of this world. Children are a soul of new life, retrieved from a bear of faith in humanity. They were born by love, will live for love, and end from love.
In a case last October of this year, a report from a kidnapping was known. In the investigation, the criminal asked to give candy to abduct a 6-year-old. This testament further goes to the need for safety with proper addressing and solidarity in the rights of the young. The smiles on the children's faces are valuable, but their weakness is what's taken advantage of. In a sweet delight and persuasion, a tragedy is amplified. How ironic when we knew that candy was supposed to be a treat.
Prejudices are making excuses, while countries are making resolute bases, such as the Philippines, where Filipino children are given a stand. Ratified in Republic Act No. 10661, declared in November every year as National Children's Month with this year's theme: "Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines," was raised by late President Aquino III. This law and regulation are among the demands of the youth to be protected. Awareness is a value in constitutions; this category calls for the consciousness to foster and grow in a violence-free environment.
When not meeting personal needs, abuse, neglect, child labor, and any other instances where a child can feel unsafe, threatened, or hurt is a work of criticism and unhealthy assurance in progress and social equity. Renowned stories of the past shall make a successful future in responsibility for shared contribution and attainment in firm and thriving generations. Youth empowerment is a sentiment to see details and hear their voices. Innovations such as campaigns, advocacies, policies, and community programs urge a united action you can take for a child.
Stars From A Million Years
Did you know that the stars we look upon aren't what they're actual state at right now? But their state hundreds, thousands, or...

While reading this, I want you to imagine that you're on a ship, I'll show you places, the ones the captain had been through....
The hold of the torch in children's might, Edged the foundation that keeps it right, Instructions are held to fold abide, Opens a scope ...